First impressions matter, and so does your smile!
Who's ready for a new smile? Zenyum joins hands with Coffee Meets Bagel to give you extra warmth and romance this winter!🎇
Enjoy 6-months of CMB Premium for FREE and $1,000 off your ZenyumClear™ Invisible Braces, plus 35% off our oral care products*.
About Coffee Meets Bagel: Named one of the best dating apps for relationships, and has made over 150 million matches and counting. For the dater who’s ready for something serious – and tired of wasting time on those who aren’t.
About ZenyumClear™ Invisible Braces: Straighten your smile in as fast as 60 days. Trusted by customers and dentists across 9 markets in Asia.
*T&Cs apply

As Seen On:

Let a treating dentist examine your smile.
Take a picture of your teeth and complete a 3-minute online Free Smile Assessment to receive 1-month CMB premium (worth HK$233) for free.
Also, get an exclusive HK$1,000 OFF your smile treatment + 6 extra months of CMB premium (worth HK$769) upon payment.
Say hello to your New Smile Routine
Did you know 65% said "bad breath" is the biggest turn-off on a date?
Get 35% off any Zenyum products and 1-month CMB of premium (worth HK$233) by making any purchase of HK$750 or above on the Zenyum webshop with the code “CMBSMILE”.

84% of singles find that a nice smile is more attractive than a six-pack.
82% also said a "confident smile" makes for the most swipe-right-worthy profile photos. Check out the Zenyum and Coffee Meets Bagel survey “Smile at First Sight” to learn more about how HK singles think about dating!
What’s Next?
Step 1: Complete your free Smile Assessment
Help us understand your smile better so we can direct you to the best solutions.
Step 2: Speak with us
We'll contact you once you are considered eligible for Zenyum Invisible Braces.
Step 3: Get your CMB gift and schedule an appointment
Get 1-month of CMB premium (worth HK$233) and book your dentist appointment.
Step 4: Review your smile treatment plan
Get your customised treatment plan! Enjoy $1,000 off your plan with a complimentary 6-months of CMB premium (worth HK$769) upon payment.
Start your smile journey today!
Zenyum Invisible Braces Offer
1. After completing the free smile assessment, users will be contacted by Zenyum Smile Ambassadors within 3 business days upon eligibility for Zenyum Invisible Braces. Users not eligible for Zenyum invisible brace will NOT be contacted and NOT be eligible for this promotion.
2. Users must provide a screenshot of their CMB profile to the Zenyum Smile Ambassadors to enjoy 1-month CMB premium.
3. The offer is valid from 1 Dec 2022 to 31 Dec 2022 (both dates included).
4. To be eligible for HK$1,000 OFF and the complimentary 6-months of CMB premium, users must book a dentist appointment on or before 31 Dec 2022; attend the appointment on or before 31 March 2023, and complete the payment for the Zenyum Invisible Braces treatment plan on or before 31 May 2023.
5. Offers are valid for Zenyum consumers in Hong Kong. The offers will end on 31 Dec 2022. The complimentary 1-month codes expire on 31 Mar 2023 and 6-month CMB premium codes expire on 3 Jun 2023. Offers will auto-renew at their original retail price after the end of the code period. Offer is non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. Limit to 1 Premium redemption offer per customer.
6. Zenyum Hong Kong reserves the right to early closure of the campaign and to exchange the complimentary gift with any item(s) of the same value.
7. Upon any dispute over this promotion, Zenyum Hong Kong reserves the right to the final decision.
Zenyum Webshop Offer
1. To enjoy the offer, users must make a purchase of HK$750 or above with the code "CMBSMILE" on our webshop.
2. The complimentary 1-month of CMB premium will be delivered to eligible users as a physical code, along with the order.
3. The complimentary 1-month of CMB premium offer cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash or other items.
4. If the order is cancelled or refunded, the complimentary 1-month of CMB premium will automatically be deactivated.
5. The offer is valid from 1 Dec 2022 to 31 Dec 2022 (both dates included).
6. Zenyum Hong Kong reserves the right to early closure of the campaign and to exchange the complimentary gift with any item(s) of the same value.
7. Upon any dispute over this promotion, Zenyum Hong Kong reserves the right to the final decision.
Got a question?
Speak with us today to learn how you can smile better.
- [email protected]
- (+852) 5803 2876
- (+852) 5642 7995
- [email protected]
- (+852) 6764 7026
- (+852) 5642 7995