Are DIY Braces Safe? Zenyum Sets The Record Straight

20 October 2020

Are DIY Braces Safe? Zenyum Sets The Record Straight

Scrolling through Facebook and Instagram these days, you find pretty much the entire orthodontic world on offer as DIY products. From whitening to teeth straightening, complex dental procedures have been condensed to quick Ikea-esque home projects.

With digital dentistry on the rise, technological advancements like intraoral cameras and optical scanners, have hastened innovation in the oral healthcare industry. These innovations are revolutionising dentistry into one of the most sophisticated and sought-after areas of medicine.

Automation and CAD (computer-aided design) make some processes in orthodontics more efficient and less manual. But what happens when we remove the orthodontists from the picture?

DIY orthodontics happens.

These are nothing but quick fixes for common dental issues, carried out with no medical supervisionBe it hacks that use rubber bands to straighten teeth or at home aligner moulds, these processes can often lead to irreversible damage.

That’s why due procedure and duty of care are absolutely critical!

The risks of DIY teeth straightening go beyond the obvious

DIY hacks like these might not be effective and extremely painful. But did you know DIY braces can change a patient’s facial structure by transforming their bite, or causing gum infections due to bone remodelling?

Untreated gum disease might mean that orthodontic treatment could cause shortened roots and increase the risk of losing teethThat’s why pre-assessments like X-rays and physical assessments are absolutely essential to avoid these complications.

In addition to an initial consultation, having regular check-ins with a dentist or an orthodontist on the progress of a patient’s realignment journey is necessary due to its dynamic nature. Most DIY treatments on the market don’t provide an accountable and efficient process to do so.

The Zenyum process is transparent

We take your smile seriously. Seriously.

If you are not a suitable candidate for Zenyum braces, we tell you like it is.

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How’s that for transparency?

Our board of certified orthodontists and dental experts are involved in every stage of the process—from pre-qualification to post-treatment guidance.

Our initial consultation is conducted by Singapore-licensed dentists at our trusted partner clinics, and include X-rays, 3D intraoral scans and physical checks.

Zenyum treatment plans are only processed once they are approved by our partner doctors, so we maintain the highest quality control every step of the way.

To match everyone’s busy lifestyle, our process is completely digitalised. We connect our patients with their treating doctors online to maintain consistent communication.

Of course, if required our customers can book in physical consultation sessions with their doctors anytime.

Zenyum is not DIY orthodontics - it's dental innovation

We are transforming the inequitable nature of the dental landscape by providing an affordable, effective and cutting-edge alternative to expensive and cumbersome treatments, while fully honoring regulations and the high quality standards.

Want to Upgrade Your Smile with Minimal Hassle?

Zenyum provides safe and hassle-free treatments for the best results!

Table of Contents

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