The Timeline For The Perfect Wedding Smile | Zenyum SG

It takes a lot to plan a wedding. You have to scour for wedding venues, try on a million outfits  and even balance expectations from both families. Many couples also commit to a fitness regime months before their wedding to look their best. Similarly, a great smile takes time to achieve.    Here’s the wedding […]

Enamel Diaries: 4 Surprising Facts About The Most Important Part of Your Teeth

If you’ve paid attention to our blog, you’ll notice we mention enamel a lot. Like A LOT. We talk about enamel corrosion. And how it looks like. But did you know how important enamel really is? And why you have to protect it? Here are some things you probably didn’t know about enamel. 1. The STRONGEST […]

Whitening your teeth but facing gum sensitivity? Find out why!

The mandatory Instagram photo session is over and you’re excited to finally chow down on your gorgeous ice cream waffle. Just as you bite into your Thai milk tea flavoured ice cream, a jolt of pain shoots through your teeth and you almost spit out your ice cream in surprise. Where did that come from? […]


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